VLT2000 Danfoss Obsolete model


The VLT2000 was Danfoss’s leading Compact multi-purpose drive from 1993 -1998. This range has now been replaced by the VLT2800 drive.

Please note the VLT2800 comes complete with brake as standard, the VLT2000 drives not all models came complete with brake so below there are  two options with and without brake for the VLT2000 but only one equivalent VLT2800.

Below is the list of the old part number and the new equivalent part numbers.

200-240VAC Single Phase IP20
Obsolete Code (without brake) VLT2000 Obsolete Code (with brake) VLT2000 KW Amps Voltage Code New VLT2800 Code
195H3601 195H3701 0.37 2.2 VLT2010 131Z8972
195H3603 195H3703 0.55 3.1 VLT2015 131Z8977
195H3605 195H3705 0.75 4.0 VLT2020 131Z8983
195H3607 195H3707 1.5 7.5 VLT2030 131Z9199

200-240 VAC Dual Phase IP20
Obsolete Code (without brake) VLT2000 Obsolete Code (with brake) VLT2000 KW Amps Voltage Code New VLT2800 Code
195H3101 195H3201 0.37 2.2 VLT2010 178B8589
195H3103 195H3203 0.55 3.1 VLT2015 178B8590
195H3105 195H3205 0.75 4.0 VLT2020 178B8591
195H3107 195H3207 1.5 7.5 VLT2030 178B8593
195H3109 195H3209 2.2 10.6 VLT2040 No Equivalent
195H3111 195H3211 3.0 16.7 VLT2050 No Equivalent

380-480 VAC 3 Phase IP20
Obsolete Code (without brake) VLT2000 Obsolete Code (with brake) VLT2000 KW Amps Voltage Code New VLT2800 Code
195H3301 195H3401 0.75 2.4 VLT2020 131Z8828
195H3303 195H3403 1.1 2.8 VLT2025 131Z8830
195H3305 195H3405 1.5 4.0 VLT2030 131Z8831
195H3307 195H3407 2.2 5.6 VLT2040 134G7013
195H3309 195H3409 3.0 7.6 VLT2050 131Z8843
195H3311 195H3411 4.0 9.7 VLT2060 134G7015

For more information or price enquiries please contact southampton@cseuk.com or telephone – 02380 255757
Find below data sheet for obsolete VLT2000 Drives
Data Sheet

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