CSE recently learned that a customer of ours had a very unique application for their Gewiss Enclosures. The customer is building low cost Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) stations encased in Gewiss boxes. The enclosed sensors track toxic particulates in the air, temperature, pressure and humidity. The data is immediately sent over wi-fi to the Luftdaten “citizen science” network.
A map of the 7,000 sensors around the world, with their up to the minute or two readings, can be found on luftdaten.info. The picture below shows readings from sensors in the UK, around Europe and a bad day in Belgium and Holland. As a STEM Ambassador, the customer is looking to work with schools and colleges to provide both a learning experience and to raise awareness of this vital topic.

The top photograph shows the customers prototype unit with 3D printed parts and low cost sensors sourced online. All the unit needs is 5 volts and a connection to a wifi access point.
The World Health Organisation says that Particulate Pollution gives us (UK) the same health issues as smoking one cigarette a day. That’s really bad and especially if you are aged say, five. It’s every day for now and the future.
You will no doubt be aware of the new Ultra Low Emission Zone in London and increasingly in other cities. That helps with the problem but there are other sources of particulates than vehicle exhausts. The more sensors, the better the monitoring of sources and the making of local and national policies.
More information can be found on luftdaten.info.