VLT2800 Obsolete models

To keep competitive pricing The VLT 2800 range of Danfoss drives moved production to China and is no longer being made in Denmark. As a result reducing some variants of this  model and causing part number changes.

Below is the list of the old part number and the new replacement part numbers.

200-240VAC Single Phase IP20
Obsolete Code KW Amps Voltage Code New Code
195N0003 0.37 2.2 VLT2803 131Z8972
195N0015 0.55 3.2 VLT2805 131Z8977
195N0027 0.75 4.2 VLT2807 131Z8983
195N0039 1.1 6 VLT2811 131Z8991
195N0051 1.5 6.8 VLT2815 131Z9199

200-240 VAC Dual Phase IP20
Obsolete Code KW Amps Voltage Code New Code
195N0001 0.37 2.2 VLT2803 178B8589
195N0013 0.55 3.2 VLT2805 178B8590
195N0025 0.75 4.2 VLT2807 178B8591
195N0037 1.1 6 VLT2811 178B8592
195N0049 1.5 6.8 VLT2815 178B8593
178F5167 2.2 9.6 VLT2822 No Equivalent
178F5170 4 16 VLT2840 No Equivalent

380-480 VAC 3 Phase IP20
Obsolete Code KW Amps Voltage Code New Code
195N1003 0.55 1.7 VLT2805 131Z8825
195N1015 0.75 3.2 VLT2807 131Z8828
195N1027 1.1 3 VLT2811 131Z8830
195N1039 1.5 3.7 VLT2815 131Z8831
195N1051 2.2 5.2 VLT2822 134G7013
195N1063 3 7 VLT2830 131Z8843
195N1075 4 9.1 VLT2840 134G7015
195N1087 5.5 12 VLT2855 178F1906
195N1099 7.5 12 VLT2875 131Z8848
195N1111 11 24 VLT2880 178F1787
195N1123 15 32 VLT2881 178F7562
195N1135 18.5 37.5 VLT2882 131Z8969

For a full conversion chart see link Full Conversion Chart
For more information or price enquiries please contact southampton@cseuk.com or telephone – 02380 255757

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