MSMCP3006-2R5 nVent Hoffman Modular front panel, 300x600, 2 DIN rails

Code: MSMCP3006-2R5

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MSMCP3006-2R5 nVent Hoffman Modular front panel, 300x600, 2 DIN rails - nVent Hoffman formally known as Eldon

MSMCP3006-2R5 Product Sheet
MSMCP3006-2R5 Item Sheet
MSMCP3006-2R5 Mounting Instructions
Gross Mass (Kg) 10
Net Mass (Kg) 10
EAN 8713574131309
Country of Origin RO
Commodity Code 85381000
Unit of Measure Each
Make Eldon/Nvent Hoffman
Alternate Code MSMCP3006-2R5
Item Code MSMCP3006-2R5

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