ABB ACS150 Dimensions

ACS150 Ratings, Types, Voltages and Construction

In column 4 on the right is the unique reference number that clearly identifies the drive by power rating and frame size. Once the type code is selected, the frame size (column 5) can be used to determine the drives dimensions (as above).


The ACS150 is available in two voltage ranges:

  • 2 = 200 – 240 V
  • 4 = 380 – 480 V

Insert either “2” or “4”, depending on your chosen voltage, into the type code shown on the right.


“01X” and “03X” within the type code varies depending on the rive phase and EMC filtering. Choose from the one you require below:

  • 01 = 1-phase
  • 03 = 3-phase
  • E = EMC filter connected, 50 Hz frequency
  • U = EMC filter disconnected, 60 Hz frequency (if the filter is required it can simply be connected)


The left hand drive is a cabinet-mounted drive (UL open) and the right is a wall-mounted drive (NEMA 1).

Ratings Type Code Frame Size
1 phase
supply voltage 200 – 240 V units
0.37 0.5 2.4 ACS150-01X-02A4-2 R0
0.75 1 4.7 ACS150-01X-04A7-2 R1
1.1 1.5 6.7 ACS150-01X-06A7-2 R1
1.5 2 7.5 ACS150-01X-07A5-2 R2
2.2 3 9.8 ACS150-01X-09A8-2 R2
3 phase
supply voltage 200 – 240 V units
0.37 0.5 2.4 ACS150-03X-02A4-2 R0
0.55 0.75 3.5 ACS150-03X-03A5-2 R0
0.75 1 4.7 ACS150-03X-04A7-2 R1
1.1 1.5 6.7 ASC150-03X-06A7-2 R1
1.5 2 7.5 ACS150-03X-07A5-2 R1
2.2 3 9.8 ACS150-03X-09A8-2 R2

3 phase supply voltage
200 – 240 V units

0.37 0.5 1.2 ACS150-03X-01A2-4 R0
0.55 0.75 1.9 ACS150-03X-01A9-4 R0
0.75 1 2.4 ACS150-03X-02A4-4 R0
1.1 1.5 3.3 ACS150-03X-03A3-4 R1
1.5 2 4.1 ACS150-03X-04A1-4 R1
2.2 3 5.6 ACS150-03X-05A6-4 R1
3 4 7.3 ACS150-03X-07A3-4 R1
4 5 8.8 ACS150-03X-08A8-4 R1


Frame Size IP20 UL open NEMA 1
H1 mm H2 mm H3 mm W mm D mm Weight Kg H4 mm H5 mm W mm D mm Weight Kg
R0 169 202 239 70 142 1.1 257 280 70 142 1.5
R1 169 202 239 70 142 1.3 257 280 70 142 1.5
R2 169 202 239 105 142 1.5 257 282 105 142 1.5
  • H1 = Height without fastenings and clamping plate
  • H2 = height with fastenings but without clamping plate
  • H3 = Height with fastenings and clamping plate
  • H4 = Height with fastenings and NEMA 1 connection box
  • H5 = Height with fastenings, NEMA 1 connection box and hood
  • W = Width
  • D = Depth

Click for the ABB ACS150 Technical PDF

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